Aditya Nagrath - Facebook Leader and CEO of Elephant Learning

Aditya Nagrath - Facebook Leader and CEO of Elephant Learning

In the US, 4 out of 5 children start kindergarten unprepared for the basic math curriculum, and many never catch up. The implications reach far beyond grade school. "Children who do more math become better readers, writers and problem solvers,” said Dr. Aditya Nagrath, Ph.D. “They have more career options and more potential to contribute to our economy and to solving our most pressing problems.”

Inspired by the idea of aligning social impact and business, Aditya founded Elephant Learning, an online academy designed for individualized, experiential learning. The curriculum features math problems in a format that mimics digital games. Since 2017, the company has taught nearly 150,000 years of mathematics to almost 130,000 students.

Aditya markets the academy almost exclusively through Facebook ads personalized for unique groups of parents totaling 25 million people over the past five years. “Through Facebook, we have created $5 million in annual recurring revenue and counting,” he said.

Elephant Learning guarantees results, and the website features an ongoing scroll of Facebook testimonials from grateful parents attesting to the program’s effectiveness.“ On average, children in our system learn more than a year and a half of mathematics over the course of 10 weeks when they use our system an average of 30 minutes per week,” Aditya said. “That is why we guarantee the result.”

Source: Facebook

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