How Ryan Learned to Love Learning Math Again


Even though Ryan was nine years old and in the 4th-grade, he could only do math at a 1st-grade level. He needed all the help he could get to improve his math comprehension during homeschool.

1.) Challenges

Since Ryan was in 1st grade, he was always bullied and teased. For months, Ryan’s parents unsuccessfully pleaded with the school to switch Ryan to a new class. Ryan would come home, defeated, and depressed every day from school, unmotivated to do any learning. Even with his parents' extra support at home, learning anything (especially mathematics) was like moving through mud. After doing crisis intervention with Ryan, his parents decided that enough was enough and pulled him from public school for good. But to his parents' dismay, Ryan’s math skills were dismal. They needed help at home but didn’t know what to do.

2.) Finding Elephant Learning

Out of fierce determination to give Ryan the chance to love learning math again, his parents invested tons of time and money in finding useful resources. His mom adds, “We have no savings now. But we’re determined to help him rise and step into his purpose.” Ryan’s parents heard of Elephant Learning and scholarship opportunities by word of mouth. They quickly enrolled Ryan and hoped for the best.

Related: Children Are Empowered Through Understanding

3.) Ryan’s Experience With Elephant Learning

Related: Case Study: Mabel, Abner, and Zoya

After playing for a month, Ryan’s math skills are improving tremendously. He’s learning three years of math in one month and is doing exceptionally well in counting, fractions, and estimates. More importantly, his love for learning is growing, and he continues to play more math games every week.

4.) Ryan’s Results

Ryan's Elephant Age
  • Age: 9 years
  • Starting Elephant Learning Age: 6 years
  • Current Elephant Learning Age: 9 years
  • The difference after six months: 3 years

“Ryan now has the strong determination to rise above and step into his purpose.” - Mom

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30 minutes a week x 3 months = 1 year of math concepts

Elephant Learning's Math Academy is a proven math curriculum for kids ages 2 - 16.

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