Welcome to Elephant Learning

Learn 1 Year Of Math in 3 Months*

Students using Elephant Learning just under 40 minutes per week learned 1.67 years of mathematics in just 13 weeks. Available for web, mobile, and tablet.

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*We guarantee when using Elephant Learning an average of 30 minutes per week, your student will increase in Elephant Age™ by 1 year or we will provide a full refund.

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Mathematics as A Language From Counting Through Algebra

For Students of All Ages

We cover from counting through Algebra and designed our Algebra curriculum to remediate University students struggling with upper level mathematics. Whether your student is ahead or behind, our adaptive algorithms quickly adapt to their level.

The curriculum is delivered via gamification, providing mathematical experiences for the student at their individualized level. To the student, it feels like a puzzle game. Think "Angry Birds" for mathematics.

Our system is considered supplemental, but the topics we cover are ESSENTIAL. They are what make the other curriculum items easy to understand. The end result is a student that can understand the teacher within the classroom.

Parent Support

We Teach You How To Teach Mathematics

Mathematics is not everybody's bag. We get it! Almost half of first and second graders already report having mathematics anxiety! Our mission is to empower students with mathematics.

With Elephant Learning you are  completely supported. Our reports and puzzles are straightforward. The reports help you understand what your student is working on and how you may take learning outside of the system.

Included are calls with live mathematics coaches that are trained to coach parents and students to achieve success and overcome anxiety.

We've worked with students with extreme mathematics anxiety to students that LOVE mathematics. Either way, we are your personal coach to success.

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Parent Testimonial Videos

Actual Elephant Learning parents and students speak candidly about their experience within Elephant Learning.
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Miranda and Maddie talk about their experience and encourage you to try Elephant Learning.

Nadia at seven is working on fractions, decimals and percentages. Isaac is just going into fifth grade and working on algebra within our system.

Brandi is homeschooling Elzibeta who is a self taught learner.

How We Provide Results:

The Elephant Age™ is the average age a student outside of our system is doing the same mathematics as your child.  It is calculated using federal and state standards. The Elephant Age provides a one number metric that allows you to understand how your student is doing at a glance.

The Placement Exam

Students older than five years of age start within a placement exam designed to find their initial level of understanding. The placement exam was designed to start behind your student and catch up to them so that they are building confidence immediately. Upon completion, you get a detailed report letting you understand exactly why your student was placed and how their initial Elephant Age was calculated.

Proven Curriculum

Our curriculum was scientifically engineered from proven methods of early age education. Combined with advanced algorithms which keep pace with your student's understanding, Elephant Learning was designed to be less repetitive and more effective in every way by PhD Mathematicians and Scientists.

Our only mission is to empower children with mathematics.

Guaranteed Results

Our results are proven, we have had over 160,000 students come through our system and on average, children that use our system 30 minutes per week gain 1.5 years in Elephant AgeTM over the course of 10 weeks.

Our system is so effective, that if your student uses it 30 minutes a week, they will gain at least 1 year of Elephant Age in 3 months or we will provide your money back.

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Support for teachers and administrators

From Video Coaching To Professional Development

Our award winning system is supported by product training videos, live video coaching, and professional development.

Whether the school's challenge is students that are exhibiting mathematics anxiety, or teachers that are facing overwhelm in the classroom, we have the program that can help.

Video Walkthroughs

Click on a video below to learn more about Elephant Learning:

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More great features

Automated Monitoring & Alerts

As our system detects that the student may be struggling, we automatically alert you to coaching conversations you could be having with your student to ensure their progress.

Combined with our library of content on mathematics anxiety and teaching methods, you can confidently become your child's best math coach.

Experiential Learning Via Gamification

We use the latest scientific research in mathematics education to provide students with experiential learning. It is a gamification of mathematics. A proven curriculum that feels like a puzzle game such as "Angry Birds" but geared to teaching the language of mathematics

The end result is your student actually enjoys mathematics and participates in the classroom.

Transparent Reporting

The key to any game is having the right score. Our system has turned complicated standards into the Elephant Age™, a one number metric that let's you know how your student is measuring up.

Combined with subject by subject videos and parental advise on how to take learning outside of our system and you have the most complete and effective reporting tool on the market.

You can even share your student's progress digitally with their teacher or tutor.

Individualized Lesson Plans

Our system is constantly adapting to your student. As a student answers incorrectly, our system finds the gap in understanding and fills it with the most effective activities. As a student answers correctly, we advance them forward to get them to the next level quickly.  The result is the student is always receiving activities at their level of understading.

The right activity, at the right time, accelerates learning.

Coaching and Tutoring

Our Mathematics Coaches are able to coach you and your student to success. We have worked with students from all backgrounds including students that report mathematics anxiety, dyscalculia, ADHD, and etc...

Run by PhD Mathematicians

We were founded by two PhD mathematicians and University professors in mathematics. We created this system for our children and have opened it up to share with your children. This is the complete package of working with students regardless of ability or background. Over 100,000 students have already seen success.

Compatible with All Standards & Curriculums

Because we cover the essential topics as a language, we are compatible with all standards and curriculums including UK, AUS, and Common Core. Unlike Common Core, our system is straightforward and can include you.

Regardless of what your teacher is using, we help the student understand them.

Guaranteed Results

Our results are proven, we have had over 130,000 students come through our system and on average, children that use our system 30 minutes per week gain 1.5 years in Elephant Age over the course of 10 weeks.

Our system is so effective, that if your student uses it 30 minutes a week, they will gain at least 1 year of Elephant Age in 3 months or we will provide your money back.

Empower Your Children With Mathematics

Our only mission is to empower children with mathematics. Got a question?  We LOVE mathematics and are happy to help!

We are available online

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