Dare with Darwoft

Dr. Aditya Nagrath is on a mission to change the way the world teaches mathematics. He is the co-founder and chancellor of Elephant Learning Math Academy, which uses proven techniques to transform children's mathematical learning. His new book Treating Mathematics Anxiety distills his knowledge into an easy-to-use handbook for parents and educators.

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Guaranteed Results

Your child will learn at least 1 year of mathematics over the course of the next 3 months using our system just 10 minutes/day, 3 days per week or we will provide you a full refund.

Parent Testimonial Videos

Actual Elephant Learning parents and students speak candidly about their experience within Elephant Learning.
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Miranda and Maddie talk about their experience and encourage you to try Elephant Learning.

Nadia at seven is working on fractions, decimals and percentages. Isaac is just going into fifth grade and working on algebra within our system.

Brandi is homeschooling Elzibeta who is a self taught learner.

Elephant Learning vs Kumon vs Mathnasium Comparison

See how Elephant Learning compares with learning centers and tutors.

Elephant Learning

$50/month for one student.


$150/month for Math + Evaluation Fees For One Course


$250/month + Evaluation Fees For One Student



Learn 1 Year of Math in 3 Months

Learn 1 Year in 1 year

No Guarantee

Weekly Time Investment

30 minutes

2 hour plus driving time

At least 2 hours

Live Individualized Support

Unlimited Support

Detailed Placement Report

Real-Time Reporting Dashboard

Parent Training Videos

Full Student History

Mathematics Anxiety Coaching Videos

Scientifically Proven Curriculum

Share Progress with Teachers Real-Time

Experiential Learning via Gamification

(Low Income/Homeschool/Merit Based) Scholarships

Founded by PhD Mathematicians

Got questions? We have the answers.

Is your system common core?

We are not considered to be common core. Most parents find common core to be confusing and frustrating. Our system is straightforward, and our reports help you understand what your student is working on and how you can take learning outside of the system.

Are you compatible with Common Core or my countries' standard?

Because we teach mathematics as a language, we are compatible with all standards and curriculums including Common Core, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and etc... Students that come through our system are better able to understand the teacher regardless of the standard or curriculum being used.

How does the guarantee work?

Your student's Elephant AgeTM will go up by at least 1 year over the course of 3 months when your student uses Elephant Learning on average 30 minutes per week. Recommended usage is 10 minutes per day, 3 days per week. If it does not please contact support and we will provide you with a full refund. If at anytime within the three months, your student is struggling or requires additional help, just contact us and we will provide additional coaching.

Will this work for my nth grader?

We cover from counting through Algebra. If your student is working on any of these subjects or struggling with upper level mathematics, then our system was made to help them. We find their initial level of understanding using a Placement Exam and then begin building intuition and understanding into the topics at their level of understanding.

My student has special needs, will this work for them?

We have had success with students from all backgrounds because we teach mathematics as a language. Because all students learn language, all students tend to see success.

What does it mean to teach mathematics as a language?

The fundamental ideas of mathematics are sort of like the colors, a student needs to exhibit the idea in order for us to label these ideas. After that, Algebra takes these ideas and adds language so that we can use these ideas to build more complex and abstract tools. When we think of mathematics as a language rather than a set of processes that answer the question "How do I do this?" then students develop understanding and intuition. All of that allows students to better understand the teacher within the classroom regardless of the curriculum or standard being used. The end result is that mathematics becomes fun for these students -- new ways to solve familiar problems.

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Empower Your Children With Mathematics

Our only mission is to empower children with mathematics. Got a question?  We LOVE mathematics and are happy to help!

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