Texas Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES)

Texas Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES)

The Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES) program is a Texas-based initiative aimed at helping students with significant and complex cognitive disabilities who faced challenges due to COVID-19 school closures and remote learning. Through this program, eligible families receive a one-time $1,500 grant accessed through an online account.

These funds are meant to supplement the special education services a child already receives at school, not replace them. Think of it as an extra boost to support their educational progress. However, it's important to note that the school's obligation to provide a free and appropriate public education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) remains unchanged.

How to use your funds to subscribe to Elephant Learning?

  1. Use our Invoice Request form, we will send you your invoice as soon as possible.
  2. Go to your ClassWallet account and select Pay Vendor.
  3. Search for Elephant Learning in the list of vendors and click Pay.
  4. Proceed to upload the required documents (e.g. invoice).
  5. Choose the purse which will fund the transaction and select your expense category.
  6. Review your transaction and submit it to your administrator.
  7. Elephant Learning will receive a notification when the administrator has approved the transaction.