Step Up For Students is a nonprofit organization that empowers Florida families to personalize their children's education.
Step Up For Students offers various scholarships for K-12 students, such as the Florida Tax Credit Scholarship, the Hope Scholarship, the Reading Scholarship, and the Family Empowerment Scholarship. These scholarships allow families to choose different educational options for their children, such as private schools, public schools, tutors, therapists, specialists, and more.
NextSteps is a news and commentary platform that covers the evolving world of education choice. NextSteps features stories, opinions, and analysis from experts and stakeholders in the field of education choice, such as parents, students, educators, policymakers, and researchers.
Step Up For Students partners with schools and providers to provide quality educational options for children in Florida. Step Up For Students helps schools and providers increase student achievement, strengthen instruction, and grow enrollment. Step Up For Students also connects schools and providers with families and donors who support education choice.