Heritage Christian Online School - Canada

Heritage Christian Online School - Canada

Heritage Christian Online School (HCOS) isn't your typical brick-and-mortar institution. Operating entirely online, they offer a unique learning experience for students in British Columbia, Canada, from kindergarten to grade 12. Whether you're a homeschooling family seeking support or looking for an inclusive education program, HCOS caters to diverse needs.

Through their K-9 program, students embark on a Christ-centered journey following the BC curriculum, all from the comfort of their homes. The program boasts flexibility, allowing students to learn at their own pace with guidance from qualified teachers. HCOS prioritizes personalized learning and understands that not all students learn the same way. Their Inclusive Education program caters to students with diverse learning needs by providing personalized learning plans and additional support.

How to use your funds to subscribe to Elephant Learning?

  1. Get it touch with your education specialist.
  2. Your education specialist will get back to us requesting for an invoice. We will only need your email address and the number of months to get your subscription started.
  3. After payment has been processed, we will process creation of your account and/or access to the system.