Arizona Empowerment Scholarship Account

Arizona Empowerment Scholarship Account

The Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) is a program that allows eligible K-12 students in Arizona to receive financial assistance that can be used for various educational expenses, such as tuition, homeschool curriculum, online learning programs, and more. The ESA is administered by the Arizona Department of Education and funded by state tax dollars.

The ESA program allows parents to customize their child’s education by choosing from a variety of approved educational services and providers, such as private schools, online schools, tutors, therapists, curriculum, testing, and more.

If you want to learn more about the ESA program, you can visit the official website.

How to use your funds to subscribe to Elephant Learning?

  1. Use our Invoice Request form, we will send you your invoice as soon as possible.
  2. Enter ClassWallet through the ESA Applicant Portal and select Pay Vendor.
  3. Search for Elephant Learning in the list of vendors and click Pay.
  4. Proceed to upload the required documents (e.g. invoice).
  5. Review your transaction and submit it to your administrator.
  6. Elephant Learning will receive a notification when the administrator has approved the transaction.