North Carolina Education Student Accounts (NCSEAA)

North Carolina Education Student Accounts (NCSEAA)

Empowering students with disabilities to unlock their full potential, North Carolina's Education Student Accounts (ESA+) program is an exciting alternative for families seeking individualized learning paths. Through ESA+, eligible students receive funds, up to $9,000 or even $17,000 for specific disabilities, to customize their education. This opens doors to private schools, homeschooling resources, tutoring, and a range of therapeutic services like speech and occupational therapy.

To qualify, students need an Individualized Education Program (IEP) and be enrolled in a public school. If they meet the federal definition of "child with disabilities" under IDEA, they're well on their way.

Remember, with ESA+ comes the responsibility of choosing and managing your child's educational journey. But, the NCSEAA offers a helpful list of approved providers, and annual reports ensure responsible use of funds.

Ultimately, ESA+ empowers families to tailor their child's education to their unique needs and learning styles. If you're seeking greater flexibility and choice for your disabled student, explore the possibilities of ESA+ and unlock a brighter, more personalized learning path.

How to use your funds to subscribe to Elephant Learning?

  1. Contact Elephant Learning to inquire about our packages and to request for an invoice.
  2. Go to your ClassWallet account and select Pay Vendor.
  3. Search for Elephant Learning in the list of vendors and click Pay.
  4. Proceed to upload the required documents (e.g. invoice).
  5. Choose the purse which will fund the transaction and select your expense category.
  6. Review your transaction and submit it to your administrator.
  7. Elephant Learning will receive a notification when the administrator has approved the transaction.